Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Intimacy with God and People

Have you ever had friends or family who make you wait for them when you’re ready and you don’t want to be late? Even worse, have you been the one who makes someone wait for you? 

 It seems to be those you love the most make you wait for them more than others do. As I was stepping into prayer today, it hit me, this is exactly what I was doing to God right then, and so often other days as well.


 You see today, I put other people and things first. I made sure to feed my stomach, talk to my mother and a couple of other friends before I did anything else. I even decided I would wash my clothes before I got with God today. When I think about it, that seems so silly. Why would I do that?  God has been calling me all morning. I kept telling Him, “I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Each time He gently and patiently said, “Ok”, as the gentleman He is. He didn’t get angry, impatient, or frustrated with me. He just continued to wait for me to come be with Him. I realized that He longs for us to be with him. He longs for us to spend time with Him. That’s why he is asking us to come.


 It isn’t for us to fulfill some religious duty or be a good person or good Christian. He simply loves us and longs to be with us. Many of us can relate to the fact of someone just wanting us to hang out with them. Perhaps a parent, a long term friend, a girlfriend or boyfriend, maybe a new friend, or simply a relationship where the two just want to be with each other and enjoy each other’s company. These days we think we have to do something to be with other people, and have forgotten the pure joy of just the sharing of time being in each other’s presence. We throw big parties, set up appointments to do things and maybe go places, and we make our time together as busy as possible. It seems that so many in this generation have completely forgotten about that simple pleasure of being in one another’s company and simply doing nothing. The same is true for most couples and marriages. But the truth of the matter is that we all long for those close times of intimacy in our relationships where you know me and I know you. You know, the relationships where we not only know each other’s good things in life and each other’s good qualities, but we know the weaknesses and troubles going on in each other’s lives while perfectly accepting one another. Intimacy has been so far removed from our relationships,  because we allow, even invite so much busyness and noise into our lives. 


 If we slowed down and paid attention to that feeling gnawing inside of us we might realize that this kind of intimacy is what we are longing for.

The main point of my thoughts here is that God is longing for this same intimate relationship with each one of us. The very thing we want, He has made continually available to us. We either put things ahead of His request for our presence or it's possible we don't even know He's made it available to us. As I have come to God in prayer lately, He has almost seemed giddy, the way my dog is when I first get home or when I just give her my attention. It just seems to be as I approach Him at His throne, He has left the door wide open for me to come in through the blood of Jesus. What an intimate relationship it is when we have the keys to another’s home, or if they've allowed us to just walk into their home at any time. God has left the doors wide open for us. The weather is always good. Even when storms are going on outside, we are able to come inside His House any time and have shelter from the storms of life. In His Presence is the secret place, the hiding place when we need it, and the place of refuge and safety. Not only that, but as I come into His Sanctuary, in His giddiness, I feel Him saying, “I’m so glad you’ve come. I could hardly wait for you, you’re finally here.” I’m happy you’re here with Me. I’ve prepared the table for you. Come, sit with me, Eat all you want!

God is such a generous, kind, and loving Father! His love for us astounds me. It's mind boggling that a Holy God wants to spend time with someone like us. He desires our fellowship! He desires our presence! WOW. He Enjoys it when we come to him, about anything. Sometimes our minds can’t comprehend this kind of love. That’s ok! This love is to be received with our hearts and not our minds, and that is what stops so many people from receiving the goodness of God in their lives. They are attempting to understand Him with their minds, when all are called to comprehend Him with their hearts! Open your heart today. Go to God. Let Him enjoy your presence, and enjoy His. Let “I am my beloved's and He is mine", come to life for you in your heart today and this year.


I’m praying that this short writing will stir, inspire, and awaken you, as well as help you come into a more intimate relationship with God and the people in your lives. This call requires vulnerability. It’s okay to be weak. Jesus identifies with your weakness, and everyone else does too, if they will be just be honest with themself. People just choose not to display it because of fear or the fact that we as people do not like to feel or expose our weaknesses. What I’ve learned is that our weakness is a magnet for God’s strength. When we run to God with our weakness instead running away from Him, we will experience the help we need in our life in order to overcome. God calls you an overcomer and more than a conqueror in Christ who strengthens you. Believe that Word today. Receive it into your life as Truth because it is. There is power in agreement! Love is amazing, but most especially God’s Love!  His love can’t be explained, but it can be experienced. Enjoy Him and Let Him Enjoy You!

May this New Year be filled with Intimacy between you and your Creator. When We Know God's Love and we Love Him, we will love people better...

God is Calling us into a Deeper Relationship with Him Everyday.

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