Saturday, July 20, 2013

Feeding Jesus

   Feeding Jesus. What a thought to think about right? What if you happened to run into Jesus himself somewhere while you were just living life, minding your own business? What would you do?

     You would probably go ask him, "Jesus, what are you doing here?" What if He told you He was looking for something to eat, He was really, really hungry? You would probably do something about it right? I mean come on, we are talking the King of Kings here. What an opportunity! Of course you would do something about it. In fact, you would probably go and buy Him the best your money could buy. Or even better, show Jesus what a servant you were and invite Him into your home and cook Him your best dish. You know the one that everyone loves when you make it! Something impressive, not just good food would be on His plate but its presentation would be phenomenal. If your going to impress someone, you would go all out. Am I right?

     Many of you might think the thought of this happening or feeding Jesus is completely ludicrous. Some of you might be thinking to yourselves, "why all the 'what ifs', or where are you going with this?" I'm glad you asked.

The way I see it is we have the amazing honor of getting to serve Jesus every single day of our lives. The opportunity to feed Jesus is all around us all the time. We will see this if we just open our eyes and look. Let me further explain myself.

    Jesus says in the book of Matthew 25:40 - when you feed the least of these, you feed me!

"The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.' 

The Word of God is truth. If the bible says when we feed even the least of people we are  feeding Him, then we are feeding Him. Wow! 

     Why don't we think like this?  I'm talking about the church as a whole on a grand scale. Why is it when we see a homeless person on the side of the road, on the corner, or in front of a building all the time we are not seeing an opportunity to serve Jesus?

My friends, I'm here to let you know, Jesus is hungry. I want to feed Him if He gives me the opportunity to do so, don't you? Will you feed Jesus the next time you see the least of them? Jesus is not hard to find. He is all around you. Just open your eyes. I bet you will find Him. He says so, When you seek him, you will find him. Matthew 7:7

     Usually the reason we are not thinking this way is because we don't want to see the problem or we just don't have the right thinking. This has been true for me personally many times. I have looked away when I have seen someone in need because I wouldn't let my heart feel for them. Maybe that rings a bell for you because you have done it as well. Maybe we automatically go to that place in our mind where we say to ourselves that they probably have done something to deserve  being where they are right now. Maybe because they abused drugs or alcohol or both. I would dare say we just don't want to feel a sense of responsibility. That's why we harden our hearts. Once sympathy sinks her teeth into us, we feel badly if we don't  do anything about the problem. 

     Let me leave you with just a couple of more thoughts. Not only does God give us the opportunity to feed Him, but He actually directly tells us to do so. The Word says that if you have extra food then give it away to those who are hungry. Luke 3:11

     I want you to see that the context of Matthew 25:41-42 is talking about the separation of the sheep from the goats. Jesus' final thoughts in this text is actually talking about him telling those to depart from him because when he was hungry and they gave him nothing to eat. Matthew 25:41-42           

If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need, but has no pity on them how can the love of God be in that person? 1 John 3:17

     There is much to say along these lines but one last thing I want to give you is a couple of God's promises he gives us about taking care of the poor. He promises to  take care of us if we take care of the poor. 

-Proverbs 22:9 Happy is the generous one who feeds the poor.
-Proverbs 28:27 if you give to the poor your needs will be supplied.

These promises encourage and inspire me to take action. I hope they do the same for you. 

#Feeding Jesus

                                                        Thank you for reading. 




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